OnSite: Property Updates
OnSite Managers, Marketing and Leasing Agents
Updating your property information online is Free and Easy!
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Need to ADD Your Property to
our database?
Updating online, through our website, prevents additional update calls from our ALN researchers and ensures that your information is always accurate and up-to-date.
We encourage you to ask for your list of properties, which each one has their own specific login access. This allows you to review and update your property information at any time.
We welcome Data Feeds, too! Please contact Theron@alndata.com for questions and set-up.
Accurate and up-to-date information, enables clients, service and product vendors, owners and management companies to find properties and connect with you. We report occupancy levels in every market and Effective/Market rental rates in select markets. We are the number one provider of data to the National Apartment Association, as well as, to many local and state Associations.
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